Concert to strike a compassionate chord

David CharlesworthHarvey-Waroona Reporter

Plucked strings are hoped to strike a compassionate chord with the Harvey community on March 24, when the WA Mandolin Orchestra performs at St Paul’s Anglican Church to raise money for overseas missions.

The concert is a joint project of the Harvey Church of Christ and the church to raise money for missions and charities in Australia and abroad.

Co-organiser Merilyn Hewson said the 24-strong orchestra included, in addition to mandolins, mandolas, guitars, bass guitar and percussion instruments.

“The music will be from different genres and types of music from classical to movie themes,” Mrs Hewson said.

She said the program would also feature original works from the founder and musical director of the orchestra, Robert Schulz.


“He specialises in composing for plucked-stringed instruments and he founded the orchestra in 1976,” she said.

The money raised will go to missions in the Northern Territory, the Philippines and Africa, as well as supporting Anglicare, the Bible Society and Bush Church Aid services.

“We do have to pay the orchestra but after that what we do raise will be for the missions,” Mrs Hewson said.

For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Mrs Hewson on 9729 2317, Ann Bach on 9729 1029 or Sue Knight on 0427 594 566, with sales at the door if not already sold out.

The concert begins at 3.30pm and tea and coffee is included in the ticket price.

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