In Pictures: Harvey Senior High School students dress up for night of glamour at 2023 school ball

Sean Van Der WielenHarvey-Waroona Reporter
Camera IconBeau of the ball Sam Smith, 17, and belle of the ball Jacinta Hawkins, 17. Credit: Harvey Senior High School/Supplied

It was a night of glamour for students at one South West school earlier this month as they dressed up for a big occasion.

Students from Harvey Senior High School and their partners headed south to the Mantra Bunbury Lighthouse on September 8 for the 2023 school ball.

There was plenty of competition for the belle and beau of the ball titles, with attendees putting their best foot forward on the red carpet.

But there could only be one winner for each title. Jacinta Hawkins, 17, was awarded belle of the ball, while Sam Smith, 17, took out the beau of the ball award.

Camera IconMadasyn Hallett, 16, and Blake Cumming, 15. Credit: Harvey Senior High School/Supplied
Camera IconSiah Waller, 16, and Ebonie Minnella, 16. Credit: Harvey Senior High School/Supplied
Camera IconSam Smith, 17, and Azumi Madanguit, 17. Credit: Harvey Senior High School/Supplied
Camera IconJanah Padua, 18, and Gabriel Bonsico, 17. Credit: Harvey Senior High School/Supplied
Camera IconQuinn Canillada, 17, and Jaxon Comito, 17. Credit: Harvey Senior High School/Supplied
Camera IconJorja Plant, 16, and Tasmyn Millsteed, 15. Credit: Harvey Senior High School/Supplied
Camera IconJacinta Hawkins, 17, and Riley Clark, 16. Credit: Harvey Senior High School/Supplied
Camera IconAnna-Marie Kirkwood, 18, and Kasey Riches, 17. Credit: Harvey Senior High School/Supplied

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